The helpline is closed from 23-26 December and 31 December-1 January.

  1. 20-22 December: 9am-8pm
  2. 27-30 December: 10am-4pm weekdays; 10am-1pm weekend

We will respond to client enquiries during these hours but it may take us longer than 48 hours to respond. We will re-open fully on 2 January 2024.

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About ASN

Abortion Support Network (ASN) is a charity that provides information, financial assistance and other practical support to those forced to travel for abortions.

ASN was founded with the understanding that making abortion against the law doesn’t stop abortion but only stops safe abortion. We also think “I can’t afford an abortion” should never be the only reason someone continues a pregnancy.

ASN is not a campaigning or lobbying organisation. While other organisations campaign for much needed law reform, our volunteers work hard to provide immediate, practical support to those who are unable to access safe and legal abortion in their own countries. We believe that the laws in these countries should change, so that ASN’s work becomes obsolete. In the meantime, we will do as much as we can to help as many people as possible.

We opened in 2009 to Ireland, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man. While need for our services in those places diminished due to law reform, we continue to hear from people who fall through the cracks of legal provision. In 2019, we opened our service to Malta and Gibraltar and in December 2019 we launched Abortion Without Borders to Poland. In 2022 we started seeking out people in additional jurisdictions who need help accessing second trimester abortions, with an initial focus on Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, France, and Spain, but with a policy to help people from anywhere in Europe on a case by case basis. Finally, we provide information as is possible to people who contact us from around the globe.

The help we offer

See our Get Help page for more information on the help we offer our clients.

Our mission, vision and values


  • A world where pregnant people have the information and means to access safe, legal abortions wherever they live.  


  • To provide information, financial assistance and accommodation to those who may be forced to travel to access a safe, legal abortion and to support the growth of the abortion funds movement by sharing our knowledge and expertise.  


  • We believe that all those who need them have the right to safe and legal abortions  
  • We believe in providing practical support to enable people to exercise this right  
  • We are compassionate and respectful of abortion-seekers and their decisions  
  • We believe in sharing our knowledge, expertise and experience with others to grow the abortion funds movement and increase access to safe abortion

Inclusivity statement

ASN is an inclusive organisation. We are here to help anyone who needs an abortion regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality, disability, immigration status, spoken language, country of origin, marital status, or political beliefs.

We know that many of our clients have experienced exclusion or marginalisation, and we do our best to work with individuals to help them access safe abortions with their specific circumstances in mind. We don’t ask clients how they got pregnant or why they want abortions. We are here to help, full stop.